DIDs are numbers to be dialed from the outside.
Each DID can be configured to reach a certain extension or Queue or Hunt Group or IVR or any combination of the elements defined for the tenant.
The same DID cannot be assigned more than once.
A DID can be configured to accept voice, fax or try to guess the calling party (if voice of fax).
Autodetection relies on signaling at the start of the call and cannot be always reliable.
Editing New/Define DIDs
The number must be entered in three parts, starting with international prefix, area code and number.
Comment is just a comment and it is not used in any way.
Max channels allows you to set the maximal number of channels available on the DID. Any additional call received will be refused with a busy signal..
Use as Emergency CallerID permits you to mark this DID as one of the available to be used when an emergency call is dialed. These must be registered with the e911 Database (call NETRIO if you have questions).
Inbound Call Rate - accept default
This section allows to define how to route the call when a voice call is received.
Unconditional Forward is a destination that can be set on the DID to send the call to a particular destination.
Always record permits to force the recording of the call.
Email recordings to defines if and to who the recordings needs to be sent once the call is over. Multiple destinations email can be entered with any delimiter, like space, comma and point and comma.
Minimum Size (Bytes) allows to receive those recordings bigger than the size set, in Bytes.
Using the Prefix CallerID Num is possible to define a string to be added to any CallerID number received to identify for example the DID the call is coming from.
Prefix CallerID Name is the same as above, but for the Caller ID Name.
Destination multiple drop down allow to define the list and the order of the objects receiving the call.
This section allows to define what to do with the call if a fax is received on the number defined. Receiving Fax over the Internet has often a low success rate, even if T.38 protocol is used.
Receive fax can be used to select if autodetect, force or disallow the reception of a Fax over the current DID.
Fax Station ID and Fax Header allows you to customize your virtual fax.
Fax Protocol can be selected among T.38 (the preferred way to receive faxes), T.38 with fallback to G.711 or only G.711.
Email destinations box permits to enter one or multiple comma delimited email address to forward the received fax. Received fax are sent in PDF format. Partially received faxes are sent in the same way.
It is possible to store the fax received for later reviewing using the Store Fax Received control.
[This feature is not yet in production]
You can specify how to pull or receive SMS on this DID.
Protocol lets you choose the protocol to be used. More info can be found in embedded help.
The SMS can be then delivered to a SIP phone as SIP message or to any other destination.
Bulk DIDs creation
It is possible to create multiple DIDs at once with Bulk DIDs creation button.
In this way a range of number is requested.
All the generated numbers are configured in the same way.
Use DIDs storage
In the Admin/Settings page is possible to choose to use the DIDs storage.
In this way the DIDs needs to be entered by the Admin/DIDs List menu and can be later chosen using a drop down box from the Define DID page.
DIDs cannot be deleted, but they are just not assigned to any tenant.
Outbound CallerID Regex
DIDs are used by extensions as CallerID, but it is possible to select a Regex to pickup the most useful CallerID for that call, so you may use your italian office CallerID when dialing to Italy or your american one when dialing to US.
If your profile allows you to use customized CallerID, you can enter the CallerID number of your choice.